QWTF Lives!

QWTF Config Guide

General Binds:

impulse 1: Melee

impulse 2: Bird gun/ Single Barrel Shotgun (Same weapon, Bird gun is merely a nickname)

impulse 3: Super Shotgun

impulse 4: Nailgun

impulse 5: Super Nailgun

impulse 6: Grenade Launcher

impulse 7: Rocket Launcher, Assault Cannon, Pipe Launcher.

impulse 10: Changes to the previous weapon in your loadout.

impulse 12: Changes to the next weapon in your loadout

impulse 69: Switches between your current weapon and the last weapon you held.

reload: Reloads any Weapon with a Limited Magazine size.

dropitems: Drops flag/ carried item if the map allows it.

special: Uses the special skill of the class you are currently playing.

QWTF Lives!